It’s time to get rid off hard to use WYSIWYG editors, tiresome email coding, testing and endless email threads with the team or client. Our new software - - helps teams to cut email design and production times from days to hours!
Drag-and-drop interface
Tired of outdated WYSIWYG editors? Or responsive email HTML coding? Chamaileon offers a versatile but still easy to use drag-and-drop interface, so you can build almost any email design with it.
You can use the 200+ built-in templates and 1000s of predesigned building blocks or create and save your custom elements.

Bulletproof responsive email code
No more HTML coding ever! We spent months with research and development using Litmus, Email on Acid and own test devices to bring you the best responsive email code, which is compatible with over 90%+ of all desktop, mobile and web email clients.
Always up-to-date service, fully tested HTML that works in Outlooks, Gmail, Yahoo, Lotus Notes and many others.

Super simple content editor mode for copywriters and marketers
Not every user should spend time with email design. The content editor mode offers a really easy to use interface where users can focus on content editing only.
They can use the hundreds of pre-designed email blocks we provide or those which were prepared by the designers of your company or agency partner.

Sophisticated layout editing and design options for advanced users
Our goal was to build a really flexible responsive email builder which can replace classic email coding in the long which can meet the unconventional needs of email designers as well.
The layout editor mode offers pixel perfect padding / margin settings and also really cool hide on mobile / desktop functions thanks to which you can differentiate your email designs easily among devices.

Supports multiple user types
No matter how many different user roles your organization requires Chamaileon can be configured flexibly to meet your requirements!
User types may have completely different rights and privileges depending on their role in the organization, so everybody may be limited to the required extent.

Helps maintaining corporate identity
The advanced configuration options help brands, enterprises or agencies to stick to the corporate identity. You can flexibly hide functions from users and use default values which were carefully designed as part of the CI.
Don’t have to worry about mistakes any more! For example content editor users may be limited from modifying the core look and feel of the email templates easily.